
Showing posts from December, 2021

Coronavirus: Seattle-Shanghai flight turns back due to new restrictions

The American company Delta Airlines has decided to return a plane in flight to Shanghai to Seattle. At issue: the new restrictions against the coronavirus required at the Chinese airport. A journey interrupted in mid-flight . On December 21, a Delta Airlines plane flying the Seattle-Shanghai route had to turn around because of  new restrictions  "required at the  Chinese airport"  as part of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. A chaos which did not fail to arouse the anger of the passengers.  This December 21, Delta Ai...

United States: who is Joe Manchin, the pro-coal democratic senator who pollutes the life of Joe Biden?

His refusal to align with the party caused a firedamp at the White House where, for months, a flagship text on infrastructure has been reshaped in the hope of convincing this "conservative Democrat" as powerful as he is independent. A block of coal in Joe Biden's shoe. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has managed, on his own, to derail the flagship reform of the US president. By refusing, Sunday, December 19, to support in Congress the mega-text of the "Build Back Better " law, which encompassed social, economic and environmental measures, this elected representative of West Virginia, a rural state in the eastern United States, consumed the hopes of his party to establish an ambitious policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, essential to the global effort to fight against global warming. Because the Democrats hold...

Billionaire Jeff T. Green quits Mormons, gives $ 600,000 to LGBTQ + group

In a letter, he denounces the excesses of the Mormon church and the opacity of its finances. Billionaire, said to be the richest person from the state of Utah in the United States , has officially left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormon Church, and denounced his excesses, he who no longer considers himself a believer. Jeff T. Green has also pledged to donate 90% of his $ 5 billion fortune, acquired after founding a company specializing in digital advertising. He started by donating $ 600,000 to an  LGBTQ + rights group in Utah, reports the Salt Lake Tribune . The Mormon Church has previously been criticized for its conservative social positions, including its opposition to same-sex marriage. Women also do not hold the priesthood in faith, as black men did before the 1970s. “I believe the Mormon Church has hindered global progress on women's rights, civil rights and racial equality, and LGBTQ + rights,” wrote Jeff T. Green in a letter to the president of the...

Facebook: who is Mark Zuckerberg really?

On February 4, 2004, a certain Mark Zuckerberg launched The Facebook, a university trombinoscope that would become a global phenomenon. D-Day takes you into the creation of a social network that has infiltrated the lives of all connected: Facebook. Its self-proclaimed creator, Mark Zuckerberg, deserved his success because he might have had a head start on social media in 2004. But, who is Mark Zuckerberg  really  ? "He is a child from an upper middle class. He has 3 sisters, his father is a dentist, his mother is a psychiatrist" , starts Julien Le Bot, director and author of the book Dans la tête de Mark Zuckerberg , at the microphone of D-Day.  "His mother decides to stop working to raise her children. His father is passionate about computers and so very quickly we have this young Zuck, which is his nickname, who starts coding a little at home. He is also passionate about  Star Wars ", adds Julien Le Bot. Mark Zuckerberg takes private coding lessons where he is ...

Tornadoes in the United States: reconstruction will be complicated in Mayfield

It is the shock and the desolation in the United States, struck by very violent tornadoes. The death toll is at least 78 dead tonight. Joe Biden declared a state of major disaster last night. Kentucky has been particularly devastated. Loïc de la Mornais, correspondent for France Televisions, is in Mayfield, a battered town. "Three days after the disaster, the level of destruction here is still staggering, says journalist Loïc de la Mornais. The tornado passed exactly through the city center of this small town in Kentucky," he says. This explains the extent of the damage. No building in Mayfield resisted, and all utilities were destroyed. No state aid "The reconstruction will certainly be very complicated, since all the public services will have to be redone...

Prosvjednici blokiraju ceste u Srbiji kako bi kritizirali planove za rudarenje

Rio Tinto je rekao da će se pridržavati svih domaćih i europskih ekoloških standarda na gradilištu. Planira uložiti 2,4 milijarde dolara u projekt, rekla je Vesna Prodanović, direktorica Rio Sava, sestrinske tvrtke Rio Tinta u Srbiji. Nakon desetljeća zanemarivanja, Srbija se suočila s velikim ekološkim problemima kao što su onečišćenje zraka i vode, loše upravljanje otpadom i drugi problemi. Vlasti Srbije odbacile su optužbe, rekavši da su novi zakoni potrebni zbog infrastrukturnih projekata. Predsjednik Aleksandar Vučić rekao je da će biti organiziran referendum o rudniku Rio Tinto. Stručnjaci su upozorili da bi planirani rudnik litija uništio poljoprivredno zemljište i zagadio vode. Aktivisti tvrde  https://xtremepape....

Mujeres en Chile expresan sus temores por candidato presidencial de extrema derecha

 A medida que se acerca la segunda vuelta presidencial de Chile, algunas mujeres temen que la victoria de José Antonio Kast pueda hacer retroceder sus derechos. Santiago, Chile - Olga Valenzuela espera al costado de una calle muy transitada en la capital chilena en el calor de fines de noviembre, con una camiseta negra con el nombre “Muriel” impreso en ella. Muriel, la hija de Valenzuela, fue asesinada hace cuatro años por su novio durante una discusión en su casa. Tenía 19 años y su novio aún no ha ido a juicio ni ha sido sentenciado. “No soy una persona