Covid raises its head. There are signs of a resurgence. ISS monitoring: rising incidence and Rt one step away from the epidemic threshold
The weekly incidence, according to the weekly monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health, is on the rise at national level: 46 per 100,000 inhabitants (22-28 October) compared to 34 per 100,000 inhabitants in the previous week ( here the data relating to 15-21 October ). In the period 6-19 October, the mean Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 0.96 (range 0.83 - 1.16), just below the epidemic threshold and increasing compared to the previous week. Above the epidemic threshold, we still read in the latest ISS monitoring, it is Rt "augmented" (Rt = 1.14 (1.13-1.16) at 19/10/2021), calculated on partially complete data and partially